January 26, 2023

Salmon Workshop

In January 2023, the Yukon First Nations Salmon Stewardship Alliance, Elders and partners gathered to discuss the salmon crisis and explore whether a restoration hatchery (including instream incubation) should be considered for Yukon salmon.

In January 2023, Yukon First Nations Salmon Stewardship Alliance, Elders and partners came together to discuss the salmon crisis and if a restoration hatchery (including instream incubation) should be considered for Yukon salmon. Presenters shared past restoration work, current restoration projects and restoration hatchery examples from BC. The importance of having a restoration plan with clear objectives, including when the hatchery work would be stopped was stressed. Elders provided advice and traditional knowledge throughout the workshop. By the end of the workshop, participants supported continuing the conversation of hatcheries, including instream incubation, as a restoration tool for Yukon salmon. It should be noted that this is not a “yes” to hatcheries. Next steps are to compile information from the workshop and bring the discussion to the communities.
