Salmon Knowledge Hub

The Yukon Salmon Knowledge Hub is a three-year initiative funded by the Canadian Mountain Network and administered by the Council of Yukon First Nations.

The main goals of the Knowledge Hub are to:

  • Revitalize the connections between salmon, people, and landscape through culture, ceremony, language and story.
  • Support knowledge production and transfer across generations.
  • Co-develop Yukon First Nations-led and community-based salmon programs to enhance fisheries research, management and restoration efforts.
  • Support Yukon First Nations-led research through partnership and within the intersection of different knowledge systems.
Our Members

The Yukon Salmon Knowledge Hub is made up of Yukon First Nations, knowledge keepers and youth, as well as academic, non-profit, and industry partners.

Graphic Recording: Heidi Marion
Photo: Peter Mather

Calling the salmon back

On February 21 – 22, 2022, the Council of Yukon First Nations’ Yukon First Nation Salmon Stewardship Alliance (YFNSSA) hosted the first Annual Salmon Ceremony and Gathering.

Marking the establishment of the Yukon Salmon Knowledge Hub—a three-year initiative funded by the Canadian Mountain Network and administered by CYFN—the event featured youth and Elders sharing ceremony, songs, stories, language and wisdom that will help salmon in the future.

The Ceremony and Gathering brings together knowledge holders, youth, and scientists for land-based knowledge exchanges, training, and workshops to share knowledge and identify priorities around salmon. Activities include the telling and recording of salmon stories, language-revitalization programs, and opportunities to share YFN in-season management approaches to harvest or ceremony. This unique event provides a watershed-focussed ethical space to foster mutual trust, respect, equality, and collaboration.
